
Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Summer Learning Journey day 5 week 1 task 2

Diary of a wimpy kid - The ugly truth

I chose Diary of a wimpy kid because I've read all of the wimpy kid books but just not this one. And I love reading funny books so I would obviously pick this book. 

Its also a big book so it we would probably finish the book when the plane lands. I have been in a hurry to grow up so I can drive a car. I am 100% sure that lots of kids would choose this book.


Unknown said...

Hi Zain!

That is a good choice of book for you, I agree. What do you mean you want to hurry up and grow up so you can get a car? What do you need a car for? How are you going to pay for it?

I'd be interested to hear your answers, I am sure they will be very interesting. : )


Anonymous said...

I really like cars, so thats why I want to drive one . I have also driven a car on my big cousins lap but it wasn't for that long :(

Unknown said...

Haha, driving is fun, but it is also a very big responsibility. We have to be very careful on the roads because cars are so big and heavy, and can really hurt other people.

What job might you like when you grow up?


Anonymous said...

Hi Zain

Great Job keep it up and remember to comment

Anonymous said...

Kia ora Zain,
I have been away on holiday and just starting my second week back at work. I have jumped into learners blogs that I commented on last year to see how they are going with The Summer Learning Journey. It's great to see that you have kept up the great work, researching, reading, writing and sharing your learning on your blog. I have never read any of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, are they good for girls and boys? What is it about them that you like most?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Zain,

It's me Von from S.P.X school. I'm glad to see you joining the summer leaning journey and nice job for completing this task. I agree with you, Wimpy Kid is a funny book that most kids should read! The Holidays are nearly over ...but don't stop Blogging.. there's only a couple of days before school starts so make the most of it!

Awesome work and Keep it up. All the best :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Von im going to be blogging 24/7 at the moment because I haven't been doing much this week!! :l

Unknown said...

Hi Zain!

I just wanted to say hello since it is the last day of blogging. I hope you enjoyed participating in the Summer Learning Journey as much as I enjoyed reading your blogs. It has been really cool to interact with you and the other students.

I wish you all the very best for this year at school. Remember to always do your best and to always not just learn, but practice your learning. This can take a number of forms, from reading a book, to writing and checking your own stories, to practicing your art, and going online to practice your maths. It is up to you how smart you can get!

Kia kaha, stay strong, and keep doing your best!


Unknown said...

Hi Zain,

Congratulations on placing third in the Summer Learning Journey blogging programme this past holiday. You were a blogging star! I will look forward to seeing you soon when I come into school to hand out the SLJ prizes and certificates.

See you soon!

Rachel :)

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