
Monday, 19 December 2016

Summer learning journey Day 1 Week 1 bonus activities

Dear Grandma
I have decided to go to Canada for 2 weeks because I would love to meet my loved ones there. And so I can explore all of canada's big landmarks.

Lots of my favourite youtubers live there so I would love to go to the gamescom over there. I would be more than happy If you want to come.


Anonymous said...

Morena Zain,
My name is Tania and I am a Manaiakalani Outreach Facilitator - I work in lots of different schools with teachers and learners who, like you, are using chromebooks for their learning and blogs to share their learning. I have been emailing with Rachel and she has told me all about The Summer Learning Journey, you've made a great start on the first few activities. Canada seems like the perfect destination for you, sounds like you really love YouTube and will get to visit some of your favourite YouTubers as well as landmarks in Canada. What landmarks are you thinking of visiting? I have never been to Canada but I think I would like to visit Niagra Falls. What particular YouTubers do you like, is it anything to do with snowboarding? I can imagine snowboarding in Canada would be amazing!
Keep up the great researching, reading, writing, creating and sharing. Enjoy your summer holiday.
Nga mihi nui

Anonymous said...

Hi Zain...
Great work with your letter. Are there any specific landmarks that you would like to visit maybe the CN Tower in Toronto, or maybe you want to the visit the famous Rocky Mountains. Hey you might even be able to see the Northern Lights. I also like the way that you put a bit of humour in it by saying that you also want to meet your favorite youtubers, or if that was just you being you. Anyway great job...

Unknown said...

Hi Zain,

This sounds interesting. I have a friend who lives in Japan and has a famous video blog on Twitch.

Who are your favourite youtubers? I would love to go to one of those big gamercons or other similar events. They look awesome.

Keep up the solid work,


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