
Thursday 3 August 2017

Comparing fractions for this week

This week we used inequality signs <, > and = to compare fractions.
On Monday we used materials. At first using the symbols were really confusing because I didn’t know what symbol to use. Then our teacher taught a easier way to use the symbols the correct way. She said the crocodile's mouth always eats the bigger number / fraction. After that she taught another easy way to see which fraction is bigger she gave us fraction shapes and we put them on top of each other and saw which on is bigger.

2 Aug 2017 09:10:16.jpg

On Tuesday we used a fraction chart. This was easy for me because I used my pointers to see which fraction was bigger. This was a easy way to see which fraction is bigger than the other.

Photo of fraction chart
Screenshot 2017-08-03 at 9.36.35 AM.png

On Wednesday  we worked without the above.  We learnt a strategy which was Making the numerator the same . If you change the numerator you have to change the denominator .The knowledge required to solve to  problems this way is to learn times table because it may be impossible using this strategy without times table.


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